Sir Jamsetji Jeejibhoy

As a resident of mumbai it is difficult to miss the name of "Sir JJ", from school of arts, to flyover to hospital the name is omniscient, however when I snapped this photo of him from the oval maidan, I virtually knew nothing about him. And sadly so, not very much even now, because a search of his name on google reveals precious little! He was the first Baronet of Mumbai. He passed a resolution calling for abolition of indentured labourers and that is about all i could find about the man who lends his name to so many of this city's institutions. No info on wikipedia either! Any clues?


Rohit, a great series of photoblogs bringing out the lesser known facets of Mumbai life and monuments. Nice compositions too.

Perhaps you can think of separating this from your regular write ups on Mumbai. An opinion :)

~ Suprabhat

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