A New Beginning

Ohh! Monday! The weekend slipped past quietly by the virtue of Morpheus. Its a bleak Monday morning. Overcast. The rains are just refusing to move ahead. On the top of it all the magnitude of an entire week lying before me. But still it was good. Sun was peeping occasionally behind delapidated highrises. And when I got into the train it was the full bloom of sun on a paradoxically cheerful monday morning. I was awake through out the 34min journey .. not even a wink! Generally I just manage to scurry through the crowd just before my stop. There is a strange lightness in the air. As if the weather has finally decided that its done with the monsoon with an air of finality. It is this "finality" which is palpable in the air. But that does not save me from the hectic morning, which mondays bring. So by noon it is clear that while finally monsoons have let mumbai out of their stranglehold but also, that its going to be hot! No evidence remains of the torrential rains which just till the last week were lashing the city and threatening to bring to its knees. Its a New Beginning! The equinox is behind us. So it should be for me too... A New Beginning. An inner journey to set on track as well as the outer journey. Discipline. Spirituality. Conviction. Creativity. Lets hope!


Anonymous said…

My name is Nidhi Taparia. I am a freelance journalist. Am working on a story around blogs. wld u be kind enough to email me so I can call and interview u

ntaparia (at) hotmail (dot)com

Many thanks